• • • Biochemical composition of maize silage as affected by different rates of macro- and microfertilizers on fallow sod-podzolic soil

• • • Biochemical composition of maize silage as affected by different rates of macro- and microfertilizers on fallow sod-podzolic soil

Productivity of cold-resistant maize hybrid “Katerina SV” was tested on fallow land in the Central Non-Chernozem region. The goal was to determine optimal element combination and fertilization depth to obtain high yield of green mass and high-quality silage. Green mass yield varied within 17.6–47.8 t ha-1. The highest yield occurred under: complex subsurface fertilization (47.8 t ha-1), topdressing with NPK + Cu, Zn and Mo (47.7 t ha-1), topdressing with N and subsurface PK application (47.0 t ha-1) or subsurface fertilization by P, K, Cu, Zn and Mo (47.4 t ha-1). Yield increase amounted to over 20 t ha-1, compared to the control. Maize silage had loose structure, green colour and acetate flavor; ensiling going very efficiently. Element combination and fertilization depth affected silage biochemical composition. Application of NPK into subsurface and deeper layers improved crude ash concentration. Fertilization had no effect on silage pH. Nitrogen fertilizers applied at 0–20 cm led to nitrate increase — 570–601 mL/g. Applying NPK at the depth of 40–80 cm resulted in silage quality of the class 1. Topdressing by macro- and microfertilizers reduced silage quality down to the class 2. Cultivation technology had insignificant effect on silage chemical composition.

Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/12-2017-2/, p. 3

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