Клоновый питомник — этап селекционного процесса козлятника восточного

A clone nursery in eastern goat’s rue breeding

Kuzmina T. E.

Pskov Agricultural Research Institute – branch of the Federal Research Center of Fibre Crops, laboratory of Breeding Technologies

180559, Russia, the Pskov region, Pskovskiy rayon, Rodina village, Mira str., 1

E-mail: tanya-19862009@yandex.ru

This project was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within the framework of the State assignment of the Federal Research Center of Fibre Crops (No. FGSS-2019-0009).

This article reports on the breeding project conducted at the Pskov Agricultural Research Institute – branch of the Federal Research Center of Fibre Crops (Pskov) in 2018–2021. This project was aimed at selection of new varieties of eastern goat’s rue. Promising genotypes (26–2–8, 27–1–3, 27–1–9, 27–1–14, 27–2–15, Talisman) were tested in a clone nursery started in 2018. Yubilyar (Pskov Agricultural Research Institute) performed as the standard variety. The aim of this research was to test and select promising genotypes of eastern goat’s rue that have high productivity and forage mass quality. The analyses focused on genotype phenology, green mass productivity, seed yield, and forage mass chemistry. Such genotypes as 27–1–9 and 27–1–3 exceeded the standard variety in green mass by 2.1–2.3 t ha-1, or 8.5–9.3%. Talisman and 27–1–9 exceeded the standard variety in dry matter (DM) by 0.5–0.6 t ha-1, or 7.9–9.5%. The increases in seed yield of Talisman, 27–1–14, 27–1–3 and 26–2–8 amounted to 0.02–0.04 t ha-1, or 18.2–36.4%. Talisman as well as the 27–1–14 and 27–1–15 genotypes showed crude protein yield increase of 3.3–5.8%. Talisman, 27–1–9 and 27–1–3 provided the increase in energy feed units and exchange energy of 9.0–11.0%.

Keywords: eastern goat’s rue, clone, nursery, variety, genotype, selection, productivity.


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