• • • International Investment Forum and Exhibition (21-22 March, Voronezh, Russia)
International Investment Forum and Exhibition «Agro Central Russia and Volga Region: investments in development» (21-22 March, Voronezh, Russia) is an international professional platform, aimed at unlocking investment in AIC of the Central and Volga federal districts, discussing development strategies, sharing experience between key market players, and concluding new lucrative contracts. 500+ project initiators, CEOs of agri-holdings and farms, investors, retailers will take part in the Forum.
Some of Forum highlights:
- Sought-after! Production intensification, cost optimization and reduction, cutting-edge “intelligent agriculture” technologies, case-studies delivered by the industry leaders and a lot more.
- Special economy keynote: current sector status and forecasts.
- Presentation of 60+ investment projects with 2019-2022 implementation period from Central and Volga Federal districts.
- Innovations – fast and efficient. Road show and extended showcase of innovative technologies and equipment.
- Specialized exhibition of technologies and equipment delivered by the world leaders from the Netherlands, Israel, South Korea, Spain, Poland, France and Russia.
- Dedicated sessions: Livestock breeding and crop farming, storage and processing, product distribution.
Source: https://www.agriforum.ru/en/