• • • Effectiveness of grain flake technology in complete feed production for feeding dairy stores

• • • Effectiveness of grain flake technology in complete feed production for feeding dairy stores

Technology of grain flake production included grain humidification, steaming, rolling and drying to increase its digestibility. Experimental line was constructed to perform the following technological processes: grain humidification and softening; wetted grain steaming; steamed grain rolling; flake drying and cooling. Grain humidification was tested under water temperature variation from 20 to 100 оС and time period from 1 to 10 minutes. Grains were humidified up to the following values: hulled barley — up to 15–17%; hulled oats — 13–15%; wheat — 16–17%; maize — 18–20%; barley — 16–17%; oats — 14–15%; pea — 17–19%. Efficient water content of 18–20% was determined, providing good flake quality.

Wetted grain steaming of wheat, hulled and non-hulled barley and oats happened in the flaking steamer for 30 minutes; maize and pea — for 40 min. Grain temperature raised up to 95–100 оС. Starch gelatinization increased by longer steaming was not dependent on steam feed rate. Grain rolling occurred in the flaking machine. Roll distance was 0.5–0.6 mm for wheat, hulled and non-hulled barley and oats; 0.8–1.0 mm — for maze and pea. Grain treatment by water and high temperature resulted in flake availability for enzymes, increased starch digestibility, kept protein digestibility at the same level and improved fodder quality.

Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/archive/6-2017-2/, p. 33

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