• • • The “7-step strategy” has been developed for the commercialisation of hulless barley ‘Kornelija’. 2ng period began.

• • • The “7-step strategy” has been developed for the commercialisation of hulless barley ‘Kornelija’. 2ng period began.

Project 2nd period began on October 1, 2018. It will consist end on 31 December 2020.

1st step – Strengthening and maintaining the protection of the plant breeders’ rights. The basic strategy selected for the commercialization of the technology is the granting of the rights to use the industrial property to third parties (entering into licence agreements). The protection of the variety’s breeder’s rights is an essential condition for a successful implementation of this strategy option so that the plant breeder would be eligible for consideration for the further use of the protected variety. To protect the variety’s breeder’s rights, the protection of the variety’s breeder’s rights ‘Kornelija’ will be strengthened and maintained in prospective target countries, i.e., at least five countries selected as a result of the TEFS market analysis.

2nd step – Carrying out field experiments to develop and test the technology.

3rd step – Carrying out industrial research for transferring the technology to grain farming in practical production conditions.

4th stepStudying the properties of grain raw material/end products and optimising the technological process of processing.

5th stepPreparing the commercialization offer and promoting it in priority markets.

6th step – Transferring the plant breeder’s rights.

Source: http://www.arei.lv/en/article/2018-10-20/hulless-barley-variety-kornelija-high-quality-wholegrain-raw-material-for

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