• • • Diversification of crop production — significant reserve improving agriculture efficiency in the Urals

• • • Diversification of crop production — significant reserve improving agriculture efficiency in the Urals

The paper reports on the improvement of sowing composition and soil fertility, using biological factors: manure, straw, green manure crops, wide cultivation of annual and perennial legume crops. Increase in land area for drought-resistant forage crops becomes of great relevance: high-protein alfalfa and high-energy maize. In 2015–2017 areas growing alfalfa and maize reached 19.4–22.4 and 19.3–21.0 thousand ha respectively. Alfalfa varieties “Sarga”, “Uralochka” and “Viktoriya”, developed by the Ural Agricultural Research Institute, and maize short-season hybrids “Kubanskiy 101 SV”, “Obskiy 140 SV”, “Ross 130 SV” and “Mashuk 150 MV” show high productivity. From 2011 to 2017 buckwheat fields constantly increase (from 431 to 1261 ha, by 2.9 times). For the last years the number of regions tends to raise cultivation of high-profitable oil crops. In the Sverdlovsk region rapeseed fields increased from 9.6 (in 2011) to 20.6–22.9 thousand ha (in 2015–2017), by 2.1–2.4 times. In 2017 flax area reached 4839 ha (17.5% of total oil crops). Value of crops, having strong root system (clover, alfalfa, melilot, rapeseed etc.), is also top soil enrichment by Ca and Mg.

Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/6-2018-2/, p. 12

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