• • • Effect of biostimulators on grain legume crop productivity in the Middle Volga Region

• • • Effect of biostimulators on grain legume crop productivity in the Middle Volga Region

Since the level of mineral fertilization decreased, testing biostimulators effect on crop productivity is of great value. Crop productivity, depending on seed pretreatment, made up: pea — 1.85–2.04 t ha-1; chickpea — 1.47–1.62 t ha-1; vetchling — 1.69–1.98 t ha-1 and broad beans — 1.74–1.91 t ha-1. The highest productivity occurred for pea. The highest yield increase (10.2–18.9%) happened after seed treatment by “Rizotorfin” and “Tenso-kokteyl”. Chickpea yield varied within 1.53–2.53 t ha-1. The best values were obtained after seed treatment by “Megamiks” and “Rizotorfin”, as well as by “Mival Agro” and “Rizotorfin”.

These variants performed the best (2.53 and 2.48 t ha-1 respectively) after fertilization for planned grain yield of 2.2 t ha-1. Pea showed sufficient plant density and viability of 62.8–76.2% by harvesting. Maximum yield in the 3rd experiment was achieved by seed treatment with “Rizotorfin” + “Fertigreyn Start” and “Fertigreyn Foliar” application at budding time. It amounted to 1.96 t ha-1 under zero fertilization and 2.04 t ha-1 — on the background of N32P32K32. Biopreparations positively affected soybean productivity. High yield happened after seed treatment by “Rizotorfin” + “Raykat Start” and Rizotorfin” + “Megamiks”, and after stand treatment by “Aminokat” + “Raykat Razvitie”.

Source: https://kormoproizvodstvo.ru/en/9-2017-2/, p. 44

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